❧about me

hello, my name is afri! i'm a nonbinary vietnamese lesbian. i'm self taught in art and in japanese and am kind of alright at drawing and translating things. i also like playing rhythm games.there's not all that much to me beyond that, but if you would ever like to chat about anything — over an interest, an inquiry about a dragon purchase or commission, etc. — feel free to send a message. however, i am quite forgetful and prone to getting overwhelmed with life circumstances and whatnot, so please understand if i may be slow to reply. you can message/ping me again if you think i may have forgotten to get back to you!if we're friends on FR/we've talked a few times etc., feel free to ask for my twitter or discord!please see the "faq" section for notes about fr-related stuff, commissions, etc.


i like things sometimes.currently i am really into the ensemble stars!! series. i have been fixated on it for like 4 years straight now and i don't recommend anyone else get into it (i'm almost half serious). please talk to me about it.other things i like off the top of my head include:
✦ a3!
✦ puyo puyo
✦ taiko no tatsujin
✦ professor layton
✦ ace attorney / dai gyakuten saiban
✦ hypnosis mic... kind of
✦ detective conan
✦ mob psycho 100
and the obligatory nintendo interest corner:
✦ splatoon
✦ mother/earthbound
✦ pikmin
✦ pokémon
✦ zelda (mostly botw/totk)

❧flight rising related

✦ i messaged you, but you didn't reply?
chances are...
-i meant to but simply forgot
-i thought i did reply but never sent it
-i'm still thinking of how to respond
-i'm waiting to get back to my computer to type the message
please feel free to message me again if it's been a few days and i still haven't gotten back to you!
✦ do you accept random friend requests?
generally, no — but if we've interacted in some way a few times before, feel free to send one.
✦ what do your tabs / lair descriptions mean?
i thought about translating them but realized i am too shy and also that i am too lazy to think about how to format them if i did include translations. the tabs are just vague and pretty-sounding placeholder descriptors as i don't really have a lot of my lore thought out haha. most of the descriptions are just song lyrics that are vaguely related... and also just sound nice to me.
✦ are you going to exalt [dragon]?
if they're in a tab labeled as fodder, it's possible, but honestly rather unlikely as i don't like training lol. i do breed my own fodder but usually wait to sell them during dominance battles.
✦ is [dragon] for sale?
if they're in this or this tab, yes. otherwise, probably not. but feel free to offer anyway.
i'm always willing to haggle on/discuss prices for dragons i have on the auction house.
✦ why am i blocked?
i block for all sorts of reasons, mostly to "curate my internet experience" and whatnot.
it's very likely not personal.

❧art related

✦ do you have an update on my commission?
please message me at any time for one and i'll do my best to reply as soon as possible. i have a lot of these sorts of disclaimers listed on my art shops, but as my circumstances are rather volatile due to an... non-ideal home life, school and mental troubles, i am not always able to work on art as much as i would like.
✦ it looks like you're taking on new commissions; are you still working on mine?
yes — i tend to take on multiple kinds of commissions at once so i can switch up what i'm working on in the case i get burnt out on one project.
✦ can we do an art trade?
i'm usually rather picky with art trades, nor am i very good with them as they tend to stress me out haha — i never mind being asked about them though, so feel free to message if you'd like.
✦ even if your commissions are closed, can i message you about one?
feel free to — i may be able to accept it depending on what you're looking for.


wip! go here for nowLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis dictum eros id eleifend. Vivamus ultrices lacus ac nisi tempor, non pellentesque dui ultricies. Aenean bibendum iaculis est at pellentesque. Maecenas posuere vestibulum quam, ac dictum diam mattis et. Vivamus eu turpis eget quam venenatis finibus. Vivamus commodo in nunc sit amet vestibulum. Vestibulum neque dolor, sagittis vel fringilla quis, luctus eget nibh.Ut posuere faucibus aliquam. Suspendisse nunc ligula, imperdiet et neque id, blandit iaculis nulla. Nullam convallis, magna quis semper gravida, tortor ante viverra sapien, nec varius erat velit laoreet dolor. Ut venenatis nulla arcu, sit amet tincidunt ex posuere in. Sed eget fringilla tellus, sit amet dictum augue. Mauris finibus molestie tristique. Curabitur lobortis velit ligula, vitae iaculis eros vehicula at. Mauris commodo tincidunt felis, lobortis pellentesque purus efficitur quis. Proin iaculis semper sapien, et finibus neque pharetra at. Donec in bibendum nisi. Etiam sed enim suscipit, ultricies ex ut, hendrerit diam. Morbi in urna eget nisl accumsan pharetra.

original lineart adopts
currently semi-active.
min. prices vary.

custom designs
currently inactive.
base price of $55/6000g.

main commissions
currently inactive.
min. prices vary.

PWYW sketches
currently active.
min. price of 200g.

fullbody icons
currently active.
base price of $30/3600g.

rendered headshots
currently active.
base price of 2500g.